First Class Trouble kurzfristig kostenlos im Epic Games Store

First Class Trouble kurzfristig kostenlos im Epic Games Store

Heute ab 17 Uhr könnt ihr euch First Class Trouble kostenlos im Epic Games Store sichern. Wir üblich habt ihr eine Woche lang Zeit das Spiel abzuholen, also bis 19. Januar 2023.

Start im Epic Games Store:

Invisible Walls ApS und Versus Evil haben First Class Trouble nun auch im Epic Games Store veröffentlicht. Zum Start gibt es direkt 50% Rabatt auf das Spiel.

“We’ve been super pleased with the reception that First Class Trouble has received on other platforms and are excited to usher in a new crop of players through the Epic Game Store,” said Steve Escalante, General Manager of Versus Evil. “New players will have access to all of our DLC packs on day one, as well, so not only can you work with friends to take down C.A.I.N. (or other players), you can look great doing it!”

Noch mehr eisiger Content

Invisible Walls ApS und Versus Evil haben das „Keep Warm„-DLC zu First Class Trouble veröffentlicht. Die Erweiterung ist für den PC und die PS5 verfügbar.

Das sagt der Entwickler:

“The Indoor Ski Resort Map was our most successful addition to the game to date in terms of content and player engagement, players loved the activities we introduced last month including the devious ways personoids could take out other players. In terms of area size and scope it was also our largest map, so introducing some new character content seemed appropriate given its popularity” said Niels Wetteberg, CEO of developer Invisible Walls.

Ski Resort-Update veröffentlicht

Der Entwickler Invisible Walls ApS und der Publisher Versus Evil haben das kostenlos Ski Resort-Update für First Class Trouble veröffentlicht. Die neue Karte – verfügbar auf PC und PlayStation – ist die vierte Map die heuer hinzugefügt wurde.

Die neue Karte im Detail:

Um mit einem Mord in First Class Trouble durchzukommen muss man schon alle Register ziehen  mit dem neuen „Blizzard-Feature“ erhalten wir eine weitere Möglichkeit an die Hand. Riesige Schneekanonen, die von Personoiden aktiviert werden, können genug Schnee aufwirbeln, um eine oder zwei Leichen zu verstecken.

Apropos Schnee: Wir können auch Schneebälle aufheben, aber dabei ist Vorsicht geboten – der Schnee auf Alithea hat eine Wucht, wie es sie sonst nirgendwo im Universum gibt. Wer von einem dieser Bälle getroffen wird, fliegt durch die Luft. Und nicht nur das: Riesige rollende Schneebälle sind eine neue Gefahr. Was oben auf einem Hügel klein und unschuldig aussieht, kann schnell zu einem wagengroßen Schneeball des Todes werden.

Angesichts von so vielen winterlichen Elementen sollte man sich vor den gefährlichen Eiszapfen in Acht nehmen, die sich an den Decken des Ski Resorts bilden.  Ein gut platzierter Schneeball könnte sie leicht auf ahnungslose Bewohner niederprasseln lassen.

Das sagt der Entwickler:

„Das Entwicklerteam hatte mit der Einführung von 1.0 alle Hände voll zu tun, aber wir lieben es, etwas zu erschaffen. Die Feiertage stehen vor der Tür und wir sind sehr froh, dass wir das Indoor-Ski-Resort rechtzeitig vorstellen konnten, sodass alle es genießen können. Alle bei Invisible Walls & Versus Evil wünschen euch ein ‚Glædelig Jul‘, wie wir in Dänemark sagen“, so Niels Wetterberg, CEO des Developers Invisible Walls.

Start für PC und PlayStation

Der Entwickler Invisible Walls ApS und Publisher Versus Evil haben die Vollversion von First Class Trouble veröffentlicht. Das Spiel ist ab sofort auf dem PC via Steam und für PS5 also auch PS4 verfügbar. Wer über ein PS Plus-Konto verfügt, kann es sich aktuell sogar zum Nulltarif sichern.

Das sagt der Entwickler:

“We’re excited to announce First Class Trouble 1.0 is now available on PlayStation and PC.Our devoted community during Early Access period on PC deserve our heartfelt thanks. First Class Trouble is all aboard and engines blasting ahead for its maiden voyage. We can’t think of a better way to celebrate the Holiday season with a game that creates unpredictable and highly entertaining memories. First Class Trouble delivers a new social deduction experience, often with hilarious results, where players can roleplay, find out who they can trust and create their own experiences with friends.” Said Steve Escalante, General Manager of Versus Evil.


Umsetzung für PS5 und PS4 angekündigt

Entwickler Invisible Walls und Publisher Versus Evil haben eine PlayStation-Version von First Class Trouble angekündigt. Das Spiel wird sowohl für die PS4 als auch für die PS5 erscheinen. Gestartet wird, sobald sich die PC-Version aus dem Early Access bewegt. Wann das genau der Fall ist, wurde noch nicht verraten. Mit dabei wird auf jeden Fall Crossplay sein.

Das sagt der Entwickler:

“We’re excited to be able to announce that First Class Trouble is coming to PlayStation for console fans to enjoy. This is another great example of a game that can create unpredictable and highly entertaining gameplay, ensuring players can roleplay and create their own experiences with friends, often with hilarious results.” Said Steve Escalante, General Manager of Versus Evil.


„The Personoid Quarters“-Update veröffentlicht:

First Class Trouble hat sein erstes größeres Update in der Early Access-Phase erhalten. „The Personoid Quarters“-Update bringt eine neue Karte, neue Spielmechaniken wie magnetische Stiefel oder einen Gabelstapler.

Interview mit dem Art-Director

Let’s start by having you tell the FCT community a bit about yourself!

Hi there! My name is Andreas. I’ve been with Invisible Walls almost since the beginning. I left my work in the medical industry to pursue my passion for visual development and started as an intern Concept Artist at the company.

Since then, I’ve transferred into the role of Art Director, where my responsibilities expanded to everything related to the visual side of FCT (or Cainwood, as it was called back then).

What is a typical day like for you at Invisible Walls?

I very rarely have two days that are alike. However, most days involve a lot of talking, discussing feedback and planning with all our talented artists to make sure we are on track, and ensuring that everyone knows what to prioritize.

In between all the meetings, my time is often spent either designing assets and “kits” for in game use or assisting on marketing materials, UI work, and various design challenges. I love every single second of it.

How does your work begin on a new project? For example, once the team decides on a new area, like the Botanical Gardens, what comes next for you?

When we start work on a new area, the first step is always to collect as much inspiration as possible. We typically fill out a large reference sheet with a wide range of visual material that we find interesting to the area we are developing. It can be anything from images from the 50s to contemporary patterns, color combinations and architectural solutions that we feel could work on board the Alithea.

From there, Sebastian and I try to agree on an overall direction and rough level layout so that he can begin level design, and I can begin designing the visual style of all the items that will go into the area.

Back when I started, we often rendered 2D pieces of the new areas. However, I found this to be fairly time consuming considering our limited resources. For this reason, we have transferred to a more 3D integrated workflow, where me and the other artists typically mock up a lot of the design in rough 3D for the level designers to use right away. These are then replaced as the 3D artists update them with final 3D models. This way, the level designers can work almost in parallel with the art team.

Since there aren’t a lot of gardens in space (that we know of,) what’s your research process like, and where do you look for inspiration?

As with most things related to FCT, we try to keep everything a bit grounded and widely influenced by designs from around the mid century era. We also looked into how other games have done “biodomes” and similar areas. Prey is a good example of this (I absolutely love the visual design of that game, and we often visit it during development).

We quickly realized that some obvious and fitting sources of inspiration were located in our own backyard in the form of The Botanical Garden in Copenhagen and the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, an art and archeological museum. Mix it up with a skybox of space, and the Alithea Gardens almost created itself.

Botanical gardens are one thing, but the next update for First Class Trouble will feature a new location: a Personoid Maintenance area. Residents will finally get a peek behind the curtain, so to speak. As a conceptual artist, did this get your creative juices flowing right away or did it present early challenges?

Ever since I was first introduced to Dieter Rams designs, I have been a huge fan of his simplistic and functional design philosophy. As such, a lot of the design for this area, including CAIN and the Personoids, has been created with inspiration in Rams’ consumer electronics and general electronic equipment from back then.

We also looked a lot into how the world’s first electronic computer worked and based the size and design of CAIN upon this. As for the rest of the area, we have simply tried to keep everything within roughly the same form language.

What were some of your early concepts like?

The design process of this area ended up being a bit peculiar since we actually started out by defining the looks of CAIN and the “Servers”/Vacuum Tube walls, and from there tried to create an area that supported that.

Once we were happy with CAIN, we turned our attention toward the other assets that would fill the area. A selection of these are shown below.

And finally, we designed what we internally call “kit:” pieces to create walls and ceilings which supports and enables the level design that our level designers have created. We typically have between 2-5 “kits” created for each area, which consists of pre-defined walls and corner pieces that we build everything with.

Putting it all together and taking it through PhotoShop gave us our first visual shot of the area.

When we are close to having all assets ready and implemented, we let our VFX/Lighting-artist Kasper loose, who does his magic and makes everything work together. The development video of the Gardens level really showcased the impact a light and atmosphere pass can have on the level.

Now, the keen eye might have noticed that the dates on a lot of this concept art goes a fair bit back. If you have played FCT since the beginning you will most likely have already played a version of this area.

However, due to how the game loop progressed, we found it necessary to cut out some of the gameplay in this area and only include the final encounter with CAIN in the Early Access version. Our intent has always been to introduce another variant of it as a full playable level, and we are thrilled to finally being able to!

Conceptualizing a mechanical humanoid is no simple task. We have to imagine that you went through several different versions before landing on the final design. Can you walk us through the Personoid creation journey?

In the perfect world, I would love nothing more than to spend weeks–no months–on designing something like our Personoids. Unfortunately, reality is harsh and we ended up with only a few late night sketches to begin with.

As with all technology in FCT, I took to Rams’ form language for inspiration and tried to create something unique for FCT. Maybe you can see this below with the first three sketches that were created.

We felt this was a good opportunity to involve our community, since we wanted to create something that would resonate with them. Model 1 took a landslide victory, and we have tried to take as much as we could from it into the final design.

However, due to some animation and clipping challenges, we have had to make minor modifications of it. All in all, we are super excited to finally bring actual Personoids into FCT, and we cannot wait to show you the final result!

Any final thoughts you’d like to share with the community?

Only my sincerest gratitude and thanks to the entire community for being part of this journey with us. Without you, and the feedback and ideas you bring, FCT would not be what it is today.

Start in den Early Access

Der unabhängige Entwickler Invisible Walls und der Indie-Publisher Versus Evil geben bekannt, dass First Class Trouble ab sofort im Steam Early Access verfügbar ist.

Das sagt der Entwickler:

„First Class Trouble verbindet all das Chaos, Wahnsinn und Spaß, den man von einem Social-Deduktions-Spiel mit Freunden zusammen erwartet. Das Ganze ist genauso urkomisch anzuschauen, wie es unglaublich spaßig zu spielen ist und die Mischung aus verschiedenen Persönlichkeiten und dem realen Sozialaspekt des zusammen Spielens schafft eine Pause von all dem, was im Moment so in unseren Leben los ist. Ohne jeden Zweifel hat das Team von Invisible Walls einen echten Meilenstein für das beliebte Social-Deduktion-Genre geschaffen“, so Steve Escalante, General Manager von Versus Evil.


Fixierter Early Access-Start:

Der Entwickler Invisible Walls und der Publisher Versus Evil haben den Early Access-Release von First Class Trouble fixiert. Der Titel startet somit am 08. April 2021 auf dem PC via Steam.

Die Ankündigung

Invisible Walls und Versus Evil bringen ihren Multiplayer-Titel First Class Trouble im ersten Quartal 2021 in den Early Access. Aktuell können sich interessierte Zocker für den Alpha-Test via Steam anmelden. Der Test selbst startete gestern und läuft bis 31. Dezember 2020.

Darum geht es:

In First Class Trouble müssen sechs Spieler zusammenarbeiten um ihr Überleben zu sichern. Wir treten gegen eine wahnsinnig gewordene K.I. auf einem Weltraumkreuzfahrtschiff an. Zwei der sechs Spieler werden per Zufall mit dem Schiff zusammenarbeiten. Gewonnen hat jene Partei die alle ihre Gegner vernichtet hat.

Um zu gewinnen muss sich die Gruppe natürlich trennen. Die Krux an der Sache, sind die Spieler zu weit voneinander entfernt, kann man sie über den integrierten Voice-Chat nicht mehr hören.

Das Spiel ist außerdem so gestaltet das sich die Spieler untereinander aus Versehen töten können, das soll für allerhand lustige Situationen sorgen.

Das sagt der Entwickler:

“The year 2020 has sucked on many levels. For Versus Evil, partnering with Invisible Walls is one of the best things to happen all year,” said Steve Escalante, General Manager of Versus Evil. “First Class Trouble is our new entry in the wildly popular social deduction genre, with the likes of Among Us and Town of Salem. Multiplayer games have always brought the „best AI“ by adding human interaction. With social deduction games you get to learn how cunning, funny, manipulative, and dramatic people can be. In this COVID world, they’ve been a great escape to a fun, social space where you can hang out with people and have a game night like no other. A quick thank you to the Danish Film Institute who initially funded some of the development to the tune of $370,000. First Class Trouble is a great example of how development teams, publishers and government funds truly help drive creativity with investment in an ever growing, globally flourishing industry.


In meinen Adern fließt Gaming :D

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